Research with the BC Humanists

Prince Albert Daily Herald
October 11, 2024
BC Humanist Association alleges unconstitutional prayer in Prince Albert council meetings
“Almost a decade after the Supreme Court’s ruling in Saguenay, it is disappointing to see municipalities continuing to violate their duty of religious neutrality in Saskatchewan,” said Teale Phelps Bondaroff, Research Coordinator at the BCHA. “Including prayer in municipal council meetings not only violates the municipality’s duty of religious neutrality but creates an environment in municipal council chambers where some residents are made to feel less welcome than others.”

CTV News, July 5, 2024
City councils 'prayer-free' across B.C., humanist association declares
A humanist group has declared British Columbia's municipal councils "prayer-free" after receiving assurances from a lone holdout community on Vancouver Island. Lawyers for the City of Parksville told the B.C. Humanist Association that Mayor Doug O'Brien has pledged not to include religious prayers in his next inaugural council meeting, should he be re-elected in 2026.

CTV News, June 4, 2024
Humanist group 'vindicated' with admission that Vancouver council prayer breached neutrality
"It is important that everyone feels welcome at municipal council meetings," Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff of the BCHA said in a news release. "When a municipality opens a meeting with prayer, it elevates some religions over others and sends the message that religion is more important than non-religion."
The association previously asked Vancouver staff for a commitment to stop allowing prayers at council, but was initially told the plans for inauguration ceremonies are decided by the incoming mayor.

Times Colonist, May 1, 2024
Parksville says no plan for prayers at council's next inaugural meeting
The City of Parksville says it has no plans to include prayers at its inaugural council meeting after the next municipal election in 2026. Its statement Tuesday follows a public threat of legal action from the B.C. Humanist Society over the issue. The city included prayers in its inaugural meetings in 2018 and 2022.

Nanaimo News Bulletin,
November 17, 2023
Prayer at B.C. councils violates Supreme Court ruling: Secular group
Seven B.C. municipalities have been identified by a secular organization for allowing prayer at a council meeting in contravention of a Supreme Court of Canada (SCOC) ruling.
A report by the BC Humanist Association (BCHA) states prayers were offered at inaugural council meetings of Vancouver, Delta, Colwood, West Kelowna, Parksville, Tumbler Ridge, and Belcarra in Nov. 2022 following municipal elections in Oct.

Vancouver Sun, November 17, 2023
Humanist association calls out seven B.C. municipalities for violating 'duty' of religious neutrality
Vancouver was one of seven municipalities called out by the B.C. Humanist Association this week for invoking prayers in their inaugural 2022 meetings in violation of the state’s “duty” of religious neutrality. The other cities were Delta, West Kelowna, Belcarra, Colwood, Parksville and Tumbler Ridge. Ian Bushfield, the association’s executive-director, said while the city’s inaugural ceremony involved leaders from multiple faiths, that approach “still failed to meet the diversity of the city.”

Castanet, March 8, 2023
New study finds crisis pregnancy centres have anti-abortion agendas
A new study of crisis pregnancy centres in Canada has found they have hidden anti-abortion agendas. The study was created by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) and the BC Humanist Association (BCHA). The Canada-wide study looked at the websites of nearly 150 crisis pregnancy centres (CPC) and looked for misleading information.

Newmarket Today, Dec. 9, 2022
Report slams Newmarket, other councils for prayers at meetings
Newmarket and other Ontario municipalities earned scorn in a new report calling for an end to prayers at municipal council meetings. The B.C. Humanist Society released a report analyzing the 2018 inaugural council meetings and found that 156 municipalities (47.6 per cent), including Newmarket, have still maintained the practice. The organization said this runs contrary to a 2015 Supreme Court ruling that found prayers at council meetings to breach a municipality's duty of neutrality.

OnlySky, May 12, 2022
Canada’s government rejects motion to end daily prayer in House of Commons
“It was disappointing to see so few MPs actively engaging in the substance of the issue and standing up to support the separation of religion and government,” said BCHA Research Coordinator Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff. “Instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on the duty of religious neutrality and how to ensure that Parliament is a welcoming and inclusive space that reflects the diversity of Canadians, they chose to chastise the Bloc for using their opposition day to present a perfectly valid motion.”

Canadian Atheist, Feb. 16, 2021
2021 Canadian Atheist Awards – Person of the year – Teale Phelps Bondaroff
For his continued and wide-ranging work making Canada—and the world—a better, more humanist place, for his research combating Christian hegemony and furthering secularism, and for his success in making real change happen even in the usually unyielding halls of power… Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff, you are Canadian Atheist’s 2021 person of the year.

Globe and Mail, Nov. 29, 2019
B.C. Legislature changes rules to allow secular ‘reflections’ to open proceedings
British Columbia’s Legislature has changed its rules to formally allow “reflections” to open proceedings each day, in addition to prayer, amid a debate about the place of religion in Canadian assemblies....
The formal change follows criticism from organizations such as the B.C. Humanist Association, that the practice of legislative prayer “discriminates against non-believers and violates the state’s duty of religious neutrality.”
2025-03-04 - "Kelowna advocacy group challenges property tax exemption for religious groups."
2025-03-03 - Castanet: "Atheists, Advocacy Canada press Kelowna to scrap blanket tax break for religious organizations."
2025-01-25 - The Free Press: "Federal committee urges end to religious tax deductions."
2025-01-16 - Canadian Affairs: "‘An irresponsible proposal’: Religious groups react to charitable status threat."
2025-01-05 - Western Standard: "Budget advice to remove religion from charitable status prompts evangelical objections."
2024-12-12 - BCHA: "Preconceived Movie Panel."
2024-10-15 - The 306 with Peter Mills: "Some Saskatchewan municipalities are starting council meetings with prayers."
2024-10-11 - Prince Albert Daily Herald: "BC Humanist Association alleges unconstitutional prayer in Prince Albert council meetings."
2024-10-10 - SaskNow: "Group calls Prince Albert council prayer into question."
2024-10-09 - BCHA: "Report: Saskatchewan Municipalities Including Unconstitutional Prayer in Meetings."
2024-09-08 - "Kootenay town denies Catholic church a property tax break."
2024-07-30 - BCHA: "BC Humanists research update with Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff."
2024-07-27 - The Non-Prophets: "All Efforts, No Thoughts & Prayers In BC."
2024-07-08 - ARCC: "The United Way funds anti-choice groups – and defends it."
2024-07-05 - CTV News: "City councils 'prayer-free' across B.C., humanist association declares."
2024-07-04 - Victoria News: "Prayer now purged from B.C. council chambers, watchdog declares."
2024-07-04 - CHEK News: "BC Humanist Association drops legal threats against Parksville after city agrees to end council prayers."
2024-06-19 - The Breakdown: "Episode 6.37 - The BC Humanist Association and Government Neutrality."
2024-06-19 - Western Wheel: "Northern Alberta municipality one of the last to stop Lord's prayer."
2024-06-17 - Lakeland Today: "MD of Bonnyville will keep prayers outside of council meetings."
2024-06-04 - CTV News: "Humanist group 'vindicated' with admission that Vancouver council prayer breached neutrality."
2024-06-04 - Lakeland Connect: "M.D. ends use of prayer to start council meetings after BC advocacy group gets involved."
2024-05-01 - Times Colonist: "Parksville says no plan for prayers at council's next inaugural meeting."
2024-04-30 - CHEK News: "City of Parksville scraps prayers at next inaugural council meeting following lawsuit."
2024-04-30 - Sooke News Mirror: "Vancouver Island city won’t include prayer at next inaugural meeting."
2024-04-26 - Bejsment: "Jakakolwiek modlitwa surowo zabroniona."
2024-04-24 - Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News: "Humanist association plans legal action against B.C. city for council prayer."
2024-04-24 - BCHA: "BCHA set to sue Vancouver over inaugural prayer."
2024-04-19 - CKNW 980: "BCHA sues Parksville over inaugural prayer - BCHA ED on CKNW Mike Smyth Show."
2024-04-19 - Victoria Buzz: "City of Parksville being sued for opening inaugural council meetings with prayer."
2024-04-19 - CTV News Vancouver: "B.C. Humanist Association threatens to sue Vancouver Island city over council prayer."
2024-04-18 - CHEK News: "BC Humanist Association poised to sue the City of Parksville over prayer."
2024-04-12 - BCHA: "Launching legal action against the City of Parksville's council prayer."
2024-04-12 - CBC Radio: "BC Humanist Association wants prayer to reflect all faiths in Manitoba legislature."
2024-03-19 - BC Humanists: "Putting a cost on religion in Canada."
2024-02-24 - The Good Men Project: "Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff on BCHA Research & Activism."
2024-01-05 - Digiter: "Politikere sier at Kelowna byråds spalte «favoriserer religion fremfor inkludering»."
2024-01-04 - Saanich News: "Politicians claim Kelowna councillor’s column ‘promotes religion over inclusion.'"
2024-01-02 - Radio Canada: "Quel est votre souhait pour 2024?"
2023-12-14 - Castanet: "West Kelowna reviewing practice of prayer before inaugural meeting."
2023-12-07 - BC Humanists: "Three more municipalities commit to review Saguenay decision by 2026."
2023-11-30 - Terrace Standard: "Secular group petitions B.C. municipalities to stop prayer at meetings."
2023-11-27 - Tumbler RidgeLines: "Tumbler Ridge one of seven municipalities called out in report."
2023-11-22 - Jas Johal Show, 980 CKNW: "Concerns over prayers at municipal council meetings."
2023-11-19 - City News: "BC Humanist Association calls on city councils to stop prayers at meetings."
2023-11-18 - City News: "B.C. group calls for city councils to stop prayers at meetings."
2023-11-18 - Times Colonist: "Humanist association calls out seven B.C. municipalities for violating 'duty' of religious neutrality."
2023-11-18 - New Westminster Record: "B.C. municipalities should cease prayers during inaugural council meetings, secular group says."
2023-11-17 - Ground: "Secular organization calls on West Kelowna to cease prayers during inaugural council meetings."
2023-11-17 - Vancouver Sun: "Humanist association calls out seven B.C. municipalities for violating 'duty' of religious neutrality."
2023-11-17 - Radio Canada: "Entrevue avec Teale Phelps Bondaroff: La prière dans les conseils municipaux."
2023-11-17 - Nanaimo News Bulletin: "Prayer at B.C. councils violates Supreme Court ruling: Secular group."
2023-11-17 - North Shore News: "B.C. municipalities should cease prayers during inaugural council meetings, secular group says."
2023-11-17 - BCHA: "We yelled at them until they stopped: Revisiting prayers in BC municipal council meetings and the power of secular advocacy.”
2023-09-23 - BC Humanists Podcast: "It's still unconstitutional: Municipal councils opening with prayers."
2023-03-20 - Health Insight: "Why Anti-Abortion Groups Should Not Be Charities."
2023-03-16 - BCHA: "Anti-Choice Clinic Website Review: North Peace Pregnancy Care Centre."
2023-03-09 - Pique Magazine: "New study finds crisis pregnancy centres have anti-abortion agendas.
2023-03-09 - Vancouver Is Awesome: "New study finds crisis pregnancy centres have anti-abortion agendas."
2023-03-09 - International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion: "CANADA – Study finds “Crisis Pregnancy Centres” mislead and manipulate."
2023-03-08 - Victoria Buzz: "Several Vancouver Island ‘crisis pregnancy centres’ mislead women with anti-abortion agendas."
2023-03-08 - Castanet: "New study finds crisis pregnancy centres have anti-abortion agendas."
2023-03-08 - CDEACF: "Une étude révèle que les « centres de grossesse d’urgence » sont trompeurs et manipulateurs."
2023-03-08 - ARCC: "Study: Examining the Websites of Anti-Choice “Crisis Pregnancy Centres.”
2023-03-01 - The Wren: "As reproductive care options shrink in Kamloops, crisis pregnancy centre raises questions."
2022-12-09 - Newmarket Today: "Report slams Newmarket, other councils for prayers at meetings."
2022-11-10 - Hope Standard: "Northern B.C. officials ban nativity scene from Terrace city hall roof."
2022-11-06 - Parksville Qualicum Beach News: "BC Humanist Society criticizes inaugural Parksville council meeting’s inclusion of ‘blessings.’
2022-11-05 - News 24: "Les données du recensement montrent que la Colombie-Britannique est la province la plus laïque du Canada."
2022-11-01 - Trail Times: "B.C. is Canada’s least religious province, has country’s 6 least religious metro areas."
2022-10-31 - BCHA: "Humanists decry planned invocation by Clearwater council."
2022-10-30 - CBC: "Census data shows B.C. is the most secular province in Canada."
2022-10-18 - BCHA: "BCHA reminds newly elected councils not to open meetings with prayers."
2022-07-04 - BCHA: "Changes to legislative prayer in the Isle of Man."
2022-06-13 - BCHA: "BCHA Research Update."
2022-05-12 - OnlySky: "Canada’s government rejects motion to end daily prayer in House of Commons."
2022-05-12 - BCHA: "Standing up for Reproductive Rights and Justice in BC and Canada."
2022-05-10 - BCHA: "BC Humanists urge MPs to support motion to abolish prayer."
2022-03-30 - The Winkler Morden Voice: "B.C. humanist group calls out local councils for opening meetings with prayer."
2022-03-28 - Winnipeg Free Press: "Winnipeg defends freedom of expression: Council prayer violates court ruling, says watch group."
2022-03-28 - Winnipeg Sun: "BC group calls out Winnipeg for opening council meetings with prayers."
2021-10-27 - BCHA: "Saanich endorses COVID-19 denial through permissive tax exemption."
2021-09-03 - CHEK News: "Concerns raised over religious ‘tent revival’ on SD61 property."
2021-08-05 - Canadian Atheist: "Ask Dr. P.B. 5 – Permissive Tax Exemptions."
2021-07-20 - Saanich News: "B.C. Humanists continue to lobby against giving clergy charitable tax breaks."
2021-07-18 - Canadian Atheist: "Ask Dr. P.B. 4 – The Arbiters of Faith.”
2021-07-12 - BCHA: "A Public Good? Religious property tax exemptions in BC."
2021-07-07 - NSRN 2021 Conference: "Practitioners Session: Legislative Prayer in Canada."
2021-06-30 - BCHA: "BCHA AGM 2021 - Research Update."
2021-06-21 - LUEE Podcast: "Episode 169: Legislative Prayer."
2021-06-15 - BCHA: "An extra burden: The clergy residence deduction."
2021-05-27 - Canadian Atheist: "Ask Dr. P.B. 3 – History and History-Making: Public Prayers & Land Acknowledgements."
2021-05-26 - Canadian Atheist: "Ask Dr. P.B. 2 – Public Prayers: Inclusion, Exclusion, and Decolonization."
2021-03-22 - Humanist Canada: "Whatever happened to Saguenay? Municipal Prayer in Canada."
2021-02-24 - Friendly Atheist: "Canadian Atheist Group: Churches Breaking COVID Rules Must Lose Tax-Exempt Status."
2021-02-22 - BCHA: "A public good? Property tax exemptions for places of worship in British Columbia."
2021-02-16 - Canadian Atheist: "2021 Canadian Atheist Awards – Person of the year – Teale Phelps Bondaroff."
2021-02-01 - Canadian Atheist: "2021 Canadian Atheist Awards – Nominations."
2021-01-26 - News Intervention: "Municipal Case Study: British Columbia and Permissive Tax Exemptions."
2020-12-23 - CFAX 1070: "Should churches that break COVID rules lose tax exemptions?"
2020-12-21 - Times Colonist: "Churches breaking COVID-19 rules still get government tax breaks."
2020-12-21 - Burnaby Now: "B.C. churches breaking COVID-19 rules still get government tax breaks."
2020-12-07 - BCHA: "2020 In Review."
2020-12-07 - Global News: "Some Okanagan city councils unconstitutionally included prayer in meetings: report."
2020-12-04 - The Tide Lights: "Christian-Based Prayer At Inaugural Vancouver Island Council Meetings Violates Court Ruling."
2020-12-03 - Humanist Canada: "Webinar Series 2020: Strategies in Reproductive Health Activism."
2020-11-27 - Surrey Now-Leader: "White Rock council under fire for inaugural prayer."
2020-11-27 - The Chilliwack Progress: "Most municipalities no longer begin council sessions with prayer: BC Humanist report."
2020-11-27 - "No prayer? Some Okanagan councils chastised for violating 'duty of religious neutrality.'"
2020-11-26 - Saanich News: "Christian-based prayer at inaugural Vancouver Island council meetings violates court ruling."
2020-11-25 - My Caribou Now: "Study finds two Cariboo municipalities in violation of Saguenay Decision."
2020-11-25 - CBC Radio: "Daybreak South with Chris Walker."
2020-11-25 - The Friendly Atheist: "Many British Columbia Municipalities Open Meetings with Prayer, Breaking the Law."
2020-11-24 - Vernon Morning Star: "Prayer at Spallumcheen, Armstrong council meetings a violation of religious neutrality: study."
2020-11-24 - Salmon Arm Observer: "Prayer at North Okanagan council meetings a violation of religious neutrality: study."
2020-11-24 - BCHA: "The Duty of Neutrality Beyond Saguenay: Unconstitutional Prayers at Municipal Councils in British Columbia."
2020-10-10 - Canadian Atheist: "Ask Dr. P.B. 1 – Religious Privilege in Practice in Canada: Municipal Prayers & Permissive Tax Exemptions."
2020-10-05 - BCHA: "The Arbiters of Faith: Prayer in the BC Legislature and Religious Entanglement."
2020-05-25 - The Friendly Atheist: "BC Humanists Call for Land Acknowledgment to “Decolonize Legislative Prayers.”
2020-05-20 - BCHA: "Decolonizing Legislative Prayer: A House of Prayers Supplementary Report."
2020-05-15 - BCHA: "From the Research Desk - Charity Law."
2020-05-08 - Centre for Inquiry Canada: "British Columbia House of Prayers."
2020-05-07 - Radio Victoria: "Pourquoi tant de prières à l’Assemblée législative ? avec Dr Teale Phelps Bondaroff."
2020-04-24 - BCHA: "From the Research Desk - Municipal Prayers."
2020-04-06 - BCHA: "From the Research Desk - Prayers in the BC Legislature and other projects."
2020-02-07 - BCHA: "BC Humanist Association Special Lecture: Inspecting the House of Prayers."
2020-01-02 - Atheist Nomads: "Episode 336 – Prayer in Victoria with Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff."
2019-12-22 - Globe and Mail: "Ontario legislature unlikely to stop saying Lord’s Prayer at the start of each day."
2019-12-11 - RadioCanada: "L’athéisme est-il une religion?"
2019-12-01 - News 1130: "Group applauds shift to daily 'prayers and reflections' in B.C. Legislature."
2019-11-30 - Times Colonist: "Prayer routine adds non-religious reflection at legislature sittings."
2019-11-30 - The Friendly Atheist: "B. C. Legislature Replaces Daily Prayers with “Prayers and Reflections”."
2019-11-29 - Globe and Mail: "B.C. Legislature changes rules to allow secular ‘reflections’ to open proceedings."
2019-11-29 - Global News: "Thoughts and prayers: Religion stays in B.C. legislature, now joined by ‘reflections’."
2019-11-29 - CBC News: "Separating church and state: B.C. Legislative Assembly daily prayers receive minor tweak."
2019-11-29 - Vancouver Sun: "Prayers to continue at B.C. legislature, but now there will also be 'reflections'."
2019-11-28 - BCHA: "Prayers and reflections to begin every sitting of BC Legislature."
2019-09-30 - The Runner: "It’s Time to End the Practice of Reciting Christian Prayers in Government."
2019-09-18 - Canadian Atheist: "Interview with Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff on BC Legislature Prayers."
2019-09-15 - The Friendly Atheist: "After Analyzing 16 Years of Government Prayers, BC Humanists Want Them to End."
2019-09-12 - Victoria News: "Does prayer have a place in the B.C. Legislature?"
2019-09-10 - Vancouver Sun: "Atheists, humanists want an end to prayers in B.C. Legislature."
2019-09-04 - CHEK News: "Group lobbies to drop daily prayer at BC Legislature."
2019-09-00 - CFAX 1070: "Should the BC Legislature drop morning prayers?"
2019-09-04 - Victoria Buzz: "BC group launches campaign to end daily religious prayers at provincial legislature."
2019-09-03 - CTV News: "B.C. group calls for end to prayers in the legislative assembly."
2019-09-03 - Georgia Straight: "Humanists launch campaign to end 'discriminatory' practice of praying in B.C. Legislative Assembly."
2019-09-03 - News 1130: "Should daily prayer be ousted from the B.C. Legislature?"
2019-09-03 - CBC News: "Group lobbies to scrap Legislative Assembly daily prayer."
2019-09-03 - Global News: "Should prayer be scrapped in B.C. legislature? Humanist group says yes."
2019-04-10 - Victoria News: "Humanist group with Saanich ties accused of being “hardline secular activists.”