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Satirical Publications
Black, Farah, & Brotzman, Todd. (2024, April 1). "Embrace the Electric Monk Initiative." BC Humanist Association.
Severus, R. Lapsed-Sceptic, & Slapschtick, A.L. (2023, April 1). “British Columbia and the Half Charmed Curriculum Funding.” BC Humanist Association.
Slapp, R.H., & Schtick, A.L. (2022, April 1). “Legislative Syzygy: Decumbiture of an Ailing Province.” BC Humanist Association.
Slapp, R.H., & Schtick, A.L. (2021, April 1). “Separation of Religion and Government in Retrograde: The impact of star signs on BC Legislative politics.” BC Humanist Association.
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